Science night

A bunch of science links tonight. Kind of a year-end thing. First, as reported by the BBC, Science Magazine has compiled their list of ten key scientific advances of 2004. The top three are the Mars rovers finding evidence of water on mars, the discover of the Indonesian “hobbits,” and the South Koreans announcing the… Continue reading Science night

Categorized as Online Tagged

Flesh Jacket

Okay, this article on a living tissue jacket is just disturbing and yet darkly funny. Basically, some guys are literally growing a jacket from living tissue… Grown using a combination of mouse and human cells, the jacket is currently quite tiny (about 2 inches high and 1.4 inches wide) and would just fit a mouse….… Continue reading Flesh Jacket

Blue Moon

One for the weekend: tomorrow, July 31, (er, rather, today now I guess) is a blue moon. One definition of it, anyway. Enjoy!

Finding Invisible Men

Totally wacky article on Kuro5hin: Using Quantum Cryptography to Find Invisible Men: But is it truly a myth, or do invisible men walk among us? And if an invisible man were to be created, how would we detect him and track his movements? … Invisible man detection has gone a long way, from the clumsy… Continue reading Finding Invisible Men

Great Salt Lake life forms

Is this for real? Scientists Finding Strange Life Forms in Great Salt Lake   With levels now at a 30-year low, the salt in portions of the shrinking lake has reached saturation levels ten times the salinity of seawater. Westminster, the University of Maryland and George Mason University are not only finding life where life… Continue reading Great Salt Lake life forms

Categorized as News Tagged

Water on Mars

Forgot to point to this the other day: Opportunity finds evidence of water in Mars’ past. Probably you’ve all heard this by now, but it’s still incredible. “Liquid water once flowed through these rocks. It changed their texture, and it changed their chemistry,” said Dr. Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., principal investigator for… Continue reading Water on Mars

Big Bangs… and Bangs… and Bangs…

There’s an interesting article in the February issue of Discover Magazine on the Big Bang theory—or rather, an alternative to the Big Bang theory. (No good link to the article itself, sorry; Discover only allows registered Discover subscribers to read the full article online.) The gist of the alternative theory is that rather than having… Continue reading Big Bangs… and Bangs… and Bangs…

Lunar eclipse

In case you live in a cave somewhere and don’t look up into the night sky, there was a total lunar eclipse tonight. Unfortunately, here on the west coast we missed most of the show; by the time the moon rose over the cloudy horizon, it was just past totality and starting to emerge from… Continue reading Lunar eclipse