Items of recent awesomeness

Some of these links aren’t as shiny-new as they were when I started this post, but even so: The CDC’s zombie apocalypse preparedness plan: Yes, the CDC is all over the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. For real. If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease… Continue reading Items of recent awesomeness


(Pure geek post.) This is sick (not in the gross sense): 6502 compatible compiler and emulator in javascript. In JavaScript. If you don’t know what any of this means, that’s okay. I can’t hardly get my head around it either. Via JWZ.

Bots and JavaScript

Here’s something to think about: do any search engine bots and crawlers recognize and parse JavaScript? I haven’t heard of any (and I’m really too lazy right now to do any real research 🙂 ), but I got to thinking about this today, and there’s really no reason that they shouldn’t be able to handle… Continue reading Bots and JavaScript


Pointer to a totally excellent JavaScript library for creating popups: overLIB. I’ve been using it the last few days to put together a dynamic drop-down menu for a Web project at work. And I’ve used it before to create popup context menus and tooltips. It’s simply one of the best JavaScript tools out there that… Continue reading overLIB