Weird Auction

What is it with weird eBay auctions, like this one? People just have too much time on their hands? (Okay, I’ll confess. That’s my wife’s auction. I wanted to see if I can flood it with traffic since I’m still getting so many Matrix Name hits.)

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Ebay RSS

This site has implemented the idea I previously wrote about and is generating RSS feeds based on custom eBay searches. Very nice. (I can’t lay claim to giving them the idea, only that they had a similar idea to mine.) Via Scripting News.

Ebay as Weblog

It struck me yesterday as I watched my wife surf eBay and eBay-related sites (like that eBay et. al. functions as a vast weblog for some people the same way that “traditional” weblogs function for people like me. Or more precisely, eBay fills the same needs for some people that weblogs fill for others.… Continue reading Ebay as Weblog