Hard drinkin’

Heard about this on the radio this morning, and I wanted to blog it before I forgot about it. On the front page of the Bulletin today there’s a picture of three people floating the river (a popular summer activity here in Bend)—which by itself is no big deal. However, the focus of the article… Continue reading Hard drinkin’

Chelsea Lane is closing

Just a quick note about Chelsea Lane, a nice little wine shop that used to be downtown but is now located at the factory outlet stores on south Highway 97: they’re closing! I don’t know when the last day will be, but right now they’re selling their wines at 30% off, and beer for 15%… Continue reading Chelsea Lane is closing

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Bend SummerFest

This last weekend was the Bend Summer Festival (“SummerFest” for the rest of us, it’s shorter and easier to say) and despite my expressed ambivalence in the past toward the various seasonal festivals around here, we went on Saturday and had a pretty good time. The weather was decent while we were there, except for… Continue reading Bend SummerFest

Categorized as Blogging Tagged

Did Barcelona close down?

In this case, “Barcelona” refers to the restaurant in Downtown Bend, in the St. Clair building. The reason I’m wondering if they’re closed is because they have a banner reading “Restaurant fire sale Monday” and the interior looks, well, disassembled. Anyone know what the scoop is?

Munch ‘n Music

So on the spur of the moment this evening we decided to go to this year’s first Munch ‘n Music and have dinner. Oddly, there doesn’t seem to be any good website source for Munch ‘n Music, so for those of you not from Bend, here’s the three-second explanation: Thursday evenings during the summer in… Continue reading Munch ‘n Music

Categorized as Family Tagged

Bend Farmer’s Market

Wednesday after work (around five) I met the the family down at Bend’s farmer’s market in Drake Park. Strangely enough, it was the first time I’d been to it, despite living in Bend for, oh, most of my life. I liked it a lot; we ended up buying a bunch of stuff, including giant cookies,… Continue reading Bend Farmer’s Market

Categorized as Food Tagged