
  • The Far Side

    Come on—who wouldn’t want The Complete Far Side for Christmas?

  • Beer Brewing Software

    For some reason that I now forget I started digging around online tonight to see what the current state of beer brewing software looks like. The last time I’d played with any such software, I installed the evaluation version of ProMash on my old computer and tried it out. It’s probably the best piece of software for brewing out there, and to be sure it worked well and did a good job, but when you look at it you can’t help but notice the Visual Basic GUI-clutter-itis that prevents it from breaking through to the best-in-show program it wants to be. (See a screenshot here to see what I mean.)

    The two lists I found are Lee’s Brewery Guide to Brewing Software and the Open Directory beer software category, and I’m disappointed to report that the state of brewing software is right about where I left it. Even ProMash looks the same.

    Here’s a bit of a wishlist of features I’d like to see in brewing software:

    • Simple layout and navigation.
    • Visual color indicator—I want to see what color the 30+ SRM porter will be.
    • Staggered complexity by usage—if I’m brewing from extract, I’m not worried about seeing all-grain stats and figures to tweak on the recipe formulation screen.
    • Open source—open code, open databases.
    • Perhaps web-based. (I tend to see everything as having a web-based solution these days, go figure.)
    • Custom report generation.
    • XML data transfer. Data storage in a database is great, but I want to be able to export to XML for whatever I might need.

    To be sure, ProMash covers most or all of this quite nicely—its layouts and colors make my eyes bleed, though, and it’s not open source.

    Of course, complaining about the current state of affairs for a particular genre of software, accompanied by listing a bunch of desired features for said software, is usually followed by the self-same person announcing that they’re going to develop the ultimate version themselves. What can I say? I’d be tempted to do it, but I really don’t have the time—there’s too many other irons in the fire right now. Plus, I haven’t even brewed a batch of beer in over a year, so I’m not even qualified. Sometimes, though, you just gotta vent. :-)

  • C-64 Emulator for PalmOS

    It had to happen, read about it here—there’s a free Commodore 64 emulator for PalmOS. I’d love to download this for my Clié, but alas, it requires PalmOS version 5 and my Clié only has a version 4 variant.

  • Movie Roundup

    We’ve been seeing a fair number of movies lately, so I thought I’d post some thoughts here. I’ll probably be spoiling some of them, so only click the “More” link if you’ve seen them.

    The movies I’m writing about are The Hulk, The Italian Job, Terminator 3, and The Core. You’ve been warned. (more…)

  • RSS Comics Feeds

    Tapestry is a series of RSS feeds for online comics.” Very cool. I’ve just subscribed to a bunch of them, now I’ll get the day’s comics delivered right to my computer automagically!

    Update: Forgot to give credit to Jake at for the link.

  • phpAdsNew

    I’ve recently been playing with phpAdsNew, a PHP ad server system, for a work-related project, and I have to say, it’s a pretty solid piece of software. I’m very impressed.

    It installs quick and painlessly, and you can add advertisers and build ad campaigns in no time. It comes with very nice PDF documentation—user, administrator, and developer guides. It has a good admin interface and rolls out a ton of stats and reports that blew me away. It’s definitely a “best of breed” PHP application (and those are rare).

  • Scary Picture

    Michael Jackson's mugshotThis has got to be the scariest picture I’ve ever seen.

  • Turkey Soda

    Just in time for the holidays comes Jones Soda’s newest beverage—Turkey & Gravy Soda!


  • Queer Eye

    With the addition of Bravo to our cable channel lineup, I’ve noticed that Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is suddenly on at our house quite frequently.

    Now, of course, I think there should be a new, similarly-themed series: “Straight Eye for the Queer Guy.” That kind of show would just write itself, I think.