
  • Cooking for engineers

    I discovered this site via Slashdot the other day, and given my current fixation on cooking geekery via Alton Brown, I find it pretty cool: Cooking For Engineers. I especially like the nifty recipe tables… very creative use of HTML tables.

    In other odd-yet-apropos geek cooking news, Meg Hourihan, the co-founder of Blogger, is giving up the computer life to be a chef. Quite a leap.

  • Roaches use Bloglines in the fall

    Yikes, it would appear that I’ve taken a blogging hiatus. Not so. I guess time just sort of slipped away from me, and keeps slipping; I’ve got things to write about, I just always seem to be doing something else. So consider this the recap post for the past few days.

    I’ve been playing with Bloglines as my primary newsreader/RSS aggregator, and I really, really like it. Very well done, the kind of web app that I’m totally envious of when I write web apps. The big plus is it’s web-based, so I can comfortably read my RSS anywhere, not just on the one computer at home. Highly recommended.

    Fall seems to have arrived a bit early here in Central Oregon. The weather forecast this evening indicated it would be in the mid 60s this week, and 54 degrees on Saturday. I have nothing against fall, but man, where’d the sunshine go?

    Cold weather’s not the only thing arriving; Simone saw a cockroach at Super Burrito in downtown Bend, Jake picked up the story and now everyone’s anti-Super Burrito. Too bad, I liked eating there from time to time. Could be worse, though, we could all live back east or in the South where roaches are a way of life. We’re pretty lucky overall.

  • Blog bot roundup

    The variety is amazing: here’s a list of various agents, spiders and bots that I’ve culled from my logfiles over the last 30 days that have to do with RSS and/or blogs (specifically blogs, not just general purpose spiders like Google’s). These are only the ones I know for sure are blog or RSS related; others in my logs might be also, but aren’t obvious about it.

    Geek types, note that these strings (with wildcards mostly) can be used as-is when identifying HTTP_USER_AGENT.

    • Bloglines: The web-based feed reader/aggregator
    • kinjabot: The (currently) beta bot for the Kinja weblog directory/guide
    • Feedreader: Windows-based feed reader/aggregator
    • RSS reader: Another searchable, web-based aggregator
    • FeedDemon: Windows-based feed reader/aggregator
    • Fastbuzz News is another web-based aggregator that scans news and blogs
    • and ORblogs-bot: The crawlers for ORBlogs which compile metadata and RSS for the aggregating site
    • SharpReader: Windows-based feed reader/aggregator
    • Technoratibot: Technorati‘s crawler
    • UniversalFeedParser: Mark Pilgrim‘s liberal feed parser which is used in a variety of RSS software
    • Feedster Crawler: Feedster’s RSS spider
    • BlogBot: I think this is Blogdex‘s crawler, but I’m not totally sure
    • BlogPulse: Yet another blog/RSS crawler and indexer
    • Slower, Friendlier Spiders (BlogShares V1.35): The spider for BlogShares, the fantasy share market for blogs
    • NITLE Blog Spider: The National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education‘s spider for their blog census
    • LocalfeedsPageCrawler
    • NusEyeFeedCrawler
  • Cascade Lakes Brewing’s Lodge rocks

    It was (another) small get-together tonight, with only myself, Simone and Dane. Lot of fun, though. And the Cascade Lakes Brewing Company‘s westside lodge just rocks! Upstairs is the game room, with a couple of pool tables, real dartboards, and… Donkey Kong.

    Oh yeah, you know we were playin’ that.

  • 0 = -1

    Back when I was a freshman in high school, and had an inadequate grasp of higher mathematics, I came up with an algebraic “proof” that I thought violated, well, something in math. I had “proved” that 0 = -1 using infinity. It was pretty basic. I don’t know why I remembered this today, but I thought it would be amusing to post.

    It’s like this:

    The symbol ∞ represents, well, infinity. So, you whittle infinity down to a simple variable and start with:

    ∞ = ∞

    Nothing earth-shaking. But infinity being infinity, you could also say that infinity minus one (∞ – 1) is also infinity, since it still goes on forever. Then you’d have:

    ∞ = ∞ – 1

    Then, following the rules, drop out the variable ∞ from the equation by subtracting it from both sides of the equation:

    ∞ – ∞ = ∞ – ∞ – 1

    Which of course leaves you with:

    0 = -1

    Proof! :)

    Then, of course, you could further apply various equality rules and come up with all sorts of non-zero results equalling zero.

    I remember being pretty disappointed when it turned out to be appallingly wrong. Fortunately, I still went on to the Advanced Math and then Calculus courses…

  • Bend Bloggers Meetup: September 8

    Notice for the next Bend blogging get-together: Wednesday, September 8th starting at six o’clock at the Cascade Lakes Brewing Company in Bend. That’s on the westside, just off the Chandler/Colorado roundabout.

    All the usual suspects will be there. And let’s mix it up a little! New bloggers and out-of-town bloggers, come on down too!

  • I’m Just Here For the Food

    I don’t know why exactly, but for some reason I always think in terms of buying and owning a book when I want to read it. And if the money’s not handy (it usually isn’t), I resign myself to possibly getting the book as a gift for my birthday or Christmas. Ironically, I almost never think of the library, so it’s always pleasant to “discover” how good and useful the library is.

    Today I picked up I’m Just Here For the Food from the library, a book I’ve been coveting for some time now but (of course) hadn’t been willing to shell out the $32.50 (ouch!) for. (I just started it but so far, it’s a really good book. It already answered one of the main questions I have from Alton Brown‘s TV show—why does he use kosher salt all the time?) And since I rediscovered how nice the library is, I’ve already added 3 other books to my account to keep an eye on via the online interface.

    Online? Yeah, the Deschutes Public Library website has a complete catalog interface that lets you do, well, anything via the web that you can do in the library: search the catalog, request items from other libraries, place holds… okay, this isn’t news to people who are, well, literate and visit the library. But I still think it’s pretty nifty.

    So go visit a library! They rock!

  • Zach Braff’s Blog

    I plucked this item out of the ORBlogs ORpost RSS feed last night (originally via Acid-Cookie), and forgot to blog about it: Zach Braff, from Scrubs, has a blog.

    Pretty cool, but what’s off the hook is that the blog’s only been active for about 2 months, but he’s already getting over 1000 comments per entry. Whoa.

  • Pretzels

    You know… while he’s onstage at the Republican National Convention, someone should present Bush with a bag of pretzels.

  • Reynolds Pond

    On Sunday I took the kids to the local swimming hole that I frequented when growing up: Reynolds Pond. As to be expected for something located in Alfalfa, there’s not much online about it, so I thought I’d remedy that a bit. Herewith a bit of local geography and history, along with some wistfulness over the passage of time.

    Alfalfa is located about 15 miles east of Bend, north of Highway 20 and near the Deschutes/Crook County border. It’s primarily an agricultural community, with acres of irrigrated field crops (largely hay) and livestock (cattle and sheep) dropped right down into the middle of the desert. Aside from the farmland, there’s a small store and gas station, a community grange hall, a power substation and not much else. (The old Alfalfa School, which I attended through fourth grade, closed many years ago.)

    Reynolds Pond is in the southeastern part of Alfalfa, off the beaten track, and, aside from the irrigation canals and duck ponds, is the only sizable body of water in the area. The only way to get there is to leave the main road at either the Alfalfa Store or near the landfill substation and travel about a mile down the dusty, rocky, bumpy, narrow dirt roads that criss-cross the entire area.

    Despite all that, it’s still the place everyone goes for swimming and fishing. Yep, fishing: even though it’s pretty small, years ago it was stocked with fish—more on that in a bit.

    I found a decent mention of it from this page titled, “A brief history of The Badlands Wilderness Study Area“:

    In the high desert country of Central Oregon is an area referred to as the Badlands. The Badlands, named in the 1920’s because of its harsh terrain is a surprisingly undisturbed area tucked in between Bend and Horse Ridge…. There is a wide diversity of basalt flow formations within the study area. Beautiful, twisted, Western Juniper trees cover much of the area with an understory composed of bitterbrush and bunchgrass. There is big sage, two varieties of rabbit brush, Idaho fescue, squirrel tail, needle grass, and phlox. Reynolds pond lies in the northwest portion of the WSA [Wilderness Study Area] and is the only surface water. Water levels in the pond are dependent on flows in the canal and consequently can fluctuate widely. When full, Reynolds Pond covers eight surface acres and is a nice addition to the WSA.

    Learn something new every day: even though I spent a good part of my summers going to Reynolds Pond, I never knew it was about eight surface acres in size, or that it’s the only surface water in the Badlands.

    Overall, Reynolds Pond is fairly shallow; one of the deepest parts I ever found was probably 14 or 15 feet, but most of it is wadeable. While swimmable, the bottom is made up of slimy, silty mud that squishes between your toes and turns the water cloudy the instant you disturb it. There’s a fair amount of vegetation, too—we always called it “seaweed” even though it’s merely the run-of-the-mill freshwater weeds that are long, thin and ropy.

    The pond was stocked with fish years ago, largemouth bass and redear sunfish. I’ve never seen a particularly large fish from the pond myself, but apparently the state record for redear sunfish was pulled out of there in 1992 by a Terence Bice—a whopping 1 pound 15 ounce fish, but the fact that a record fish of any kind was caught there is kind of impressive.

    One distinct feature that we always loved were the islands: four or five mounds of dirt rising out of the water at odd spots. One was right off the shore—you could wade to it in water that barely came up to your knees—it was the smallest of the bunch, no larger that a Volkswagon Bug probably. The others, larger and (relatively) harder to reach, were always the more desirable targets for their size and who-could-make-it-all-the-way cachet. But really, they were nothing but mounds of dirt comprised of the same sandy soil and lava rock that shows up everywhere else in the desert. There was some reedy grass that grew around the larger ones’ “shores” and some thin bunchgrass and such that peppered the top of them, but once you climbed up on one you quickly got bored with the drab conquest and went back in the water. They were cool because they were there, but they weren’t much to look at.

    Or at least, they weren’t much to look at over a decade ago (the last time I’d been there, I figure, was 1992). Imagine my surprise when we pulled up Sunday and found that every island is covered—and I mean entirely covered, every inch—with bright green trees and vegetation! (Sad to say, I couldn’t rightly identify the tree species other to say it’s the same type of willowy, reedy tree that you find along the banks of the Deschutes River.) Vastly, vastly changed from when I was last there. And there’s not just the trees and grasses and various shrubs on the islands; there’s forests of reeds around the islands, actual cat tail freshwater reeds, not just marshy grass. And the trees and plants were growing along the opposite shore, hugging the rim of the pond, too.

    It was one of those moments where you are acutely aware of the passage of time; where there’s such a polarizing disconnect between what you remember and what there is that you cannot even process it at first. I mean, 12 years had passed since I was last there; trees have grown and matured, the entire mini-ecosystem has changed. I wish I had pictures of how it used to be, to compare.

    Otherwise, it was a great time with the kids. Watching them play in the water, remembering the times I used to spend there, made me realize that some things never truly change.

    And finally, one other intersting link: A Reynolds Pond hike from the MSN Groups “Day Hiking Oregon”. With some pictures, even.