
  • What Kind of Elitist Are You?

    You speak eloquently and have seemingly read every
    book ever published. You are a fountain of
    endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and
    never fail to impress at a party.
    What people love: You can answer almost any
    question people ask, and have thus been
    nicknamed Jeeves.
    What people hate: You constantly correct their
    grammar and insult their paperbacks.

    What Kind of Elitist Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    That sounds about right.

  • When Z21 reporters leave the nest

    Warning: this post has no redeemable value, other than how it points to my potential for being a cyberstalker. And, it amuses me.

    So anyway, one of the fun things about living in Central Oregon is watching the Z21 news (or NewsChannel 21, or whatever the hell they’re calling it these days) and, well, making fun of the on-air talent, especially the ones that are just starting out.

    See, our little local station here is pretty much bottom of the rung, as I understand it, for journalists who want to have a career on television. They typically get hired right out of college and Z21 becomes the training ground within which they learn the trade and work like dogs so that they can move up the ladder. And when a Z21 reporter gets their wings, they leave Z21 and pop up somewhere else, like Eugene.

    Maybe you see where I’m going with this. At any rate, Libby Beaubien, one of said newscasters, recently disappeared from the news and I figured she’d moved on. Yep. She surfaced on KESQ News Channel 3 in Palm Springs, California, under the name Elizabeth Beaubien. Seems like it’s a good move, though I wonder if the name “Libby” was too colloquial for the station. Anyway, the part of this that amuses me the most is comparing the KESQ highly-staged, over-colored photo with this much more down-to-earth candid one:

    Libby sporting some cash in her bra at the bike parade
    (Found via kasey and TextAmerica.)

    Hey, it’s all good. Just remember though, folks, the internet sees and remembers all.

  • Brewing pumpkin ale

    I started brewing up a batch of my Pumpkin Ale this evening, the details of which I wrote up on The Brew Site.

    What? You aren’t reading The Brew Site? Why not? :)

  • The Incredibles

    Simply put, “The Incredibles” is a great movie. Fantastic. Probably the best movie I’ve seen this year—really! So here’s my review, there may be spoilers, you’ve been warned.


  • The weekend in Portland

    I’m pleased to report that Portland is still where it’s supposed to be. Or at least, it was when we left on Sunday, I can’t really speak for any time after that.

    We stayed at the downtown Residence Inn over the weekend, which despite being located right next to I-5 is a rather nice hotel. Our room had been upgraded to a two-bedroom suite at no charge after my wife told them the sob story about our miserable night in Stockton next to the freeway, so we ended up with two full bathrooms, three TVs and a full kitchen. They have a very good breakfast for guests, beyond the typical continental breakfasts of juice and muffins you usually see. The only drawback (aside from the freeway) was that they have road work and construction of some kind going on literally all around the hotel, so getting in and out is a hassle and confusing at first.

    No WiFi in the rooms, though. They do have high speed internet access, but it’s ethernet-based and sadly, I don’t have a card for that in the laptop. So be warned.

    Oh, the other thing was that I forgot to take my own pillow with me; I can’t stand hotel pillows and just have the hardest time getting a good night’s sleep with them. I figure I must be getting old.

    Took the kids to see “The Incredibles” and then to Chuck E. Cheese’s on Saturday. “The Incredibles” was fantastic; my next entry will be about that. Chuck E. Cheese’s, well, it’s been awhile since I’d been there, so I’d forgotten just how crazy that place is. Like Vegas for kids, as my friend Justin said. I’ll probably let another year or two or three pass before I take the kids again :).

  • Gone this weekend

    Off to Portland this weekend. I may be online—we’re taking the laptop with the wireless card—but may not be, either; sometimes it’s nice to unplug.

  • Spite

    Some people just have too much anger:

    A woman has been arrested for digging up her dead boyfriend’s ashes from a cemetery more than 10 years ago and drinking the beer that was buried with him, possibly out of spite for his family, authorities say….


    Detective Jay Yerges said Stolzmann and Hendrickson were living together in the early 1990s, while they were both married to other people. The relationship was stormy, with a pattern of alcohol and domestic abuse, he said.


    Stolzmann was present when Hendrickson shot himself in January 1992. Yerges said Hendrickson’s family blamed her for his death and she was not invited to his services.

    “I feel that her motive was spite,” Yerges said.

    No kidding.

    Although, I have to wonder: why was he buried with beer in the first place, and what kind was it?

    Via A Good Beer Blog.

  • Some local post-election thoughts

    I was disappointed to see both the Bend measures (establish a mass transportation district, more money for schools) fail, though not particulary surprised: you can pretty much guarantee that when a measure appears in Central Oregon that requires raising taxes, it will get shot down.

    But hell, do kids have to be cannibalizing themselves in the schools before this town raises some money to help relieve the overcrowding and budget issues? And since the money was going to be raised by increasing property taxes, should only property owners be allowed to vote on these issues?

    Personally, I think less than $100 per year is a small price to pay if it helps alleviate the Lord of the Flies problems my own kids will be facing within the next couple of years.

    As to the mass transit issue, I’d love to see it here, and I supported it, but… Keep in mind this is the city that made national news when it proposed banning stinky people from riding the bus, so you’ll understand if I express skepticism about the whole affair.

    And this is the best election day story I heard: Tuesday morning my friend Kerry asked if I had a number two pencil to fill out his ballot—he didn’t have any at home and that was what had hung him up on getting it mailed earlier (Oregon is entirely vote-by-mail, remember, but on the last day you can drop off your ballot at the designated locations since it’s too late to mail it). Later, when he went to drop the ballot off, a Z21 news team interviewed him on why he waited until the last minute to turn his ballot in. He gave the honest response: he couldn’t find a number two pencil! He said the guy running the camera was the new crazy weatherman (if you live in Central Oregon, you probably know who I mean) and the guy gave Kerry a big thumbs-up and shit-eating grin—my words, I’m paraphrasing :). I never did see if it made it on TV but we sure had a good laugh about that.

  • One

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  • Not so PC

    Just a braindump of some ideas I have that wouldn’t really be considered very politically correct…

    Like a series of books like the “For Dummies” books, only these would be “For Tards.” They would be much more simplistic; with titles like “Keyboards for Tards” and “Books for Tards” I think they could really be successful…

    Then there was this idea for a sitcom that I had—a homophobic ex-Marine, a flamboyantly gay man and the ex-Marine’s mentally retarded brother are roommates sharing an apartment in a big city somewhere (maybe San Francisco). Man, that would write itself.