
  • Brandon Bird Paintings

    My brother finds the best links. Check out artist Brandon Bird, who produces unique and totally random (in a wacked-out way) art work; I particularly like his paintings page. You have to click through and view them. That’s an order.

    I rather like the painting of Christopher Walken building Optimus Prime in the garage, I mean that’s just weird. Or the one named “Two Warriors Come Out of the Sky”, that one has to be seen to be believed.

  • PHP on .NET

    Jeff Sandquist has a pointer to a video interview with two programmers that are writing a PHP compiler for Microsoft’s .NET Framework. The name of their project is Phalanger.

    That’s cool, I guess, if you don’t mind working in .NET. I’ve been thinking for awhile that I wouldn’t mind a PHP compiler that would create standalone executables (though cross-platform, not just tied to Windows), so this is kind of a step in that direction.

    Of course, there’s already PHP-GTK which is cross-platform. And hmmm, I notice in their February news, there’s a pointer to a project called bcompiler which lets you create an exe file from a PHP-GTK app… very interesting.

    Oops, and I notice the Roadsend PHP compiler does just what I was rhapsodizing about. It appears I’m behind the times. Though the “Professional” edition (compiles to Windows, Linux and FreeBSD) costs $399 (“Personal”—Windows only—is $89).

  • 552

    Wow. I just did a quick check and found that, counting this post, I’ve made 552 entries here on this blog. I had no idea I’d written that much… that’s kind of scary.

  • Joke

    My dad made this joke up. It’s a groaner, but I thought it was funny.

    Q: Did you know Darth Vader has a sister?

    A: Her name is Ella.

  • Fireball

    My dad clued me in to this: Fireball sighted over Pacific Northwest.

    A fireball streaked through the night sky across the western half of the Pacific Northwest on Saturday, startling people all the way from southern Oregon to the Seattle area.

    Scientists said the fireball was probably a meteor, and that it likely disintegrated just before any fragments fell into the Pacific Ocean.

    That would have been cool to see; my dad told me a coworker of his saw the fireball Saturday night on the way to work.

    It would have been cooler to have seen this news show up on or the Bulletin; the AP story was in the paper version of the Bulletin, but not anywhere that I could find online. Seems like this is something that should excel in; did I see a comment on their new design that they were trying to get an AP feed, or am I thinking of something else?

  • Bandage Man

    A bit of Oregon esoterica for everyone this Friday morning, and it’s a ghost story to boot: The Bandage Man of Cannon Beach.

    The Bandage Man is a phantom of a man completely wrapped in bandages that haunts this small community. The bloody figure, who smells of rotting flesh, jumps into vehicles passing on a road outside of town, notably pickup trucks or open-topped cars, but also sedans, station wagons, and even sports cars. Sometimes the mummy breaks windows or leaves behind bits of bloody or foul-smelling bandages. One legend has it that he is the ghost of a dead logger cut to pieces in a sawmill accident.

    The Bandage Man is sometimes said to eat dogs and may have murdered several people. He appears on the short approach road connecting US Highway 101 to Cannon Beach, between the town and where Highway 26 intersects with 101. The phantom always vanishes just before reaching town.

    I first came across the story of Bandage Man in the book Ghosts, Critters & Sacred Places of Washington and Oregon, and it stood out because it’s not the typical “sounds and thumps in the night” type of ghost story that fills books like these.

    Not surprisingly, there’s not much on the web about Bandage Man; digging around only reveals a handful of sites, with pretty much the same one or two paragraph description. However, I did find this post on the MysteryPlanet MSN Group that sheds light on the origin of the legend:

    I was googling on the chance that I might find some mention somewhere of the Bandage Man. I have been aware of this story for over forty years. For I was a child in the community where it got it’s start. I knew some of the family of the kid that first encountered the Bandage Man. There is an old road, that for all the years I was growing up was known as “Bandage Man Road”. It was just an old section of Highway 101 that had been bypassed when a new section put in place, but it was still accessible and wasn’t very long-just a short loop off of the highway-the whole thing from end to end could be driven in maybe five minutes or so.


    This loop of road was a popular place for local kids to go park and makeout.


    That is where the story started. One night, two of the local kids were up there doing just what teenaged boys and girls do when they are parked on dark lonely roads. The boy had an old chevy pickup and his girl and he were sitting in the cab. All off a sudden they felt the truck sort of lean, like something was moving around in the bed of the truck. They turned to look out the rear window and there looking back was a bandaged face, with only some wierd looking eyes showing through eyeholes in the bandages. The bandaged figure started beating on the glass, and the top of the cab. The kid started his engine, got it gear and tore out of there-his girlfriend screaming in terror as the man in the back continued his pounding. Any of you who’ve been to Bandage Man road, or Cannon Beach, know how curvey the roads are and to drive them at highspeed is dangerous. On they went-after what seemed an eternity they made it to downtown Cannon Beach, where the boy’s family owned a service station that they lived next door to in green house. Once they got there, they looked in the back and the Bandaged figure was no where to be seen.


    I first heard this story back in 1960-61. And it’s the original version. Some of the family of the kid still lives around here too, I know two of his brothers.


    I have never heard of a repeat appearance by the Bandage Man.

    I guess you’d better watch out if you’re driving around Cannon Beach, if you believe that sort of thing…

  • Jake’s Diner is moving

    I heard this on the radio this morning, and then caught this article in the Bend Bulletin: Jake’s Diner is moving to the eastside. The spot? The Royal Thai Cafe building, behind Bedmart and Scrap-a-Doodle… which, if anyone keeps track, seems to be a death knell for restaurants. I can remember Sully’s (Italian) was there, and KC’s (Kasey’s?) BBQ, something else, and the afore-mentioned Royal Thai Cafe.

    Jake’s is a Bend institution, seems like it should get better than that. But you know what’s ironic? I’ve never eaten there.

  • The Dukes of Hazzard… movie!

    Yep, there’s going to be a Dukes of Hazzard movie this year, it even has its own IMDB entry already. I’d heard of this awhile back, rumors of it anyway, and it sure seems especially apropos with my Boss Hogg entry a week or so back. Get a load of the cast:

    • Seann William Scott (Stiffler) as Bo Duke.
    • Johnny Knoxville (Jackass) as Luke Duke.
    • Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke.
    • Willie Nelson (will he also sing the theme song?) as Uncle Jesse.
    • Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg.

    A movie based on the Dukes is either going to be the best movie of the summer (in a tongue-in-cheek way) or the worst movie of the summer… I have a feeling there’ll be no in-between.

    It’s set to open June 24. You know you’ll be there.

  • Comments were down, now back up

    Jake clued me in to the fact that anyone trying to add comments here was getting big, ugly PHP error message. D’oh! I figure it’s been down for three days, when I was last futzing around with blocking comment spam. Go figure. But on the bright side, I haven’t gotten any comment spam for three days.

  • New

    I’ve noticed over the past few days that finally has that new design Barney was talking about back around the end of the year. Overall, I think it looks 1000% better than before, albeit not quite perfect (the RSS feed appears to be broken, no user comments at the bottom of the articles…).

    However. Since Barney left, I think they are in serious need of an editor; I did a screen grab of the Press Release headlines, because something went horribly awry:

    Innapropriate press release headline found on

    There is just so much wrong with that headline, it’s not even funny.

    Well, it’s a little funny. :)