
  • A Fire Upon The Deep

    The latest book I’m immersed in (one of them, anyway) is A Fire Upon The Deep by Vernor Vinge. So far I’m hooked (I’m about a quarter of the way into it), it’s totally compelling science fiction. And it’s a refreshing reminder that there’s really no limit to what you can do, story-wise, with well-done sci-fi.

    Ah, it’s always nice to have the “summer vacation” from TV and have time to catch up on my reading :).

  • blogfringe

    monkeyinabox: “Are blogs really as mainstream, as some of us thought?”

    No. No they’re not. That’s easy to forget for those of us “on the inside,” but blogs really are still a fringe phenomenon.

    They’re getting there, though. The Journal of Accountancy just ran an article called “Would You, Could You, Should You Blog?” which is a decent introduction to blogs for accountants. Now that’s getting mainstream.

  • 10 years of PHP

    The PHP programming language is 10 years old today. A large part of what I do these days is PHP development—I’ve got it running web sites, parsing web server log files, running command-line batch processes, and more. Thanks to Rasmus and the PHP community for making it all possible!

    For a good roundup of the 10 year coverage, go here and here.

  • It only seems like I’m burned out on blogging…

    But I’m really not. If I’m burning out on anything, it’s work and the daily routine of it. As a consequence, blogging takes a backseat and even though I have things I want to write about, when I’m finally at the computer at a point where I can, I just don’t have the energy or ambition to do it. Which is ironic, since what I’d really rather be doing is blogging/writing full time instead. But alas, I haven’t yet (figured out how to) (gotten to the point where I can) make enough money doing that…

  • Podcasting

    So I dunno, I’ve been thinking about this whole podcasting thing lately… and while it sounds like it might be fun to do (and people used to tell me all the time that I have a perfect voice for radio… but not so much anymore… I wonder why that is?), I really just don’t have the time or energy for it. Besides, what would I talk about? I already have my blog for incoherent rambling, there’s no reason to clutter up bandwidth with large audio file of that…

    That’s the other worry: bandwidth issues. Last thing I really want to deal with is hosting large media files and getting hammered.

    Any Oregonians podcasting? I know Jack Bogdanski was experimenting a bit with it. Anyone else?

  • My semi-annual TV rant

    Now that the TV season is mostly over I thought I’d post one of my self-indulgent rants on the various television shows I watched and how I’m still a slave to the tube. So, even though everything is over and everyone who was going to watch has watched, there will be spoilers. Click through to read on.


  • Jake’s influencing the news

    …Jake of UtterlyBoring that is. He posted an item today about our local Wal-Mart being open 24 hours, mentioned it to Barney, and a story showed up on the Z21 news NewsChannel 21 this evening. Barney confirms it in the comments.

    That’s hot.

  • June!

    June already? Geez, where’d the time go? It’s not like May wasn’t a full month… some highlights:

    • Put together a monster swingset
    • Dental cleaning… with novocaine. I had two back teeth that needed periodontal work and scaling. Nasty stuff. My mouth was sore for days afterward.
    • The end of the TV season (I have another post on this sometime)
    • Beautiful, 80-plus degree weather… dampened (no pun intended) by massive flash flood inducing thunderstorms
    • We were more socially active than normal… we went to at least three barbecues, which is a lot for us

    Hmm, that’s all I can think of right now. June promises to be a busy month, too. There’s a potluck at work tomorrow, a neighborhood BBQ on Friday, a kids birthday party on Sunday, our anniversary, a friend’s college graduation, and more I’m sure.

    Perhaps we should do a blogger get together this month?

  • This Memorial Day weekend…

    Sunray Premium Playground 2005 (AKA swingset monstrosity)…I’ve been tasked with putting together this monstrosity of a swingset. I’ve had help, my father-in-law yesterday and today, and tomorrow my dad pitches in. We may finish tomorrow.

    Happy Memorial Day to everyone else. I’ll likely be cursing before the day is out.

  • What’s your birthday mean?

    This is astrologically interesting, if you’re into that sort of thing: What Does Your Birth Date Mean? Here’s what came up when I plugged in mine:

    Your Birthdate: December 23
    With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas.

    You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.

    You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.

    Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.

    A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.

    You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.

    Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion.

    Seems mostly accurate, except for the “very sociable” part—I can make friends easily enough but out of the gate I’m much more introverted and shy.

    Found via Doc Searls.