
  • Anagram map of Downtown Bend

    Inspired of late by Boing Boing’s pointers to subway maps that have been remixed to used anagrammed names, I thought it would be fun to do the same with Bend. Only, Bend doesn’t have a subway (or any mass transit, grrr), so I did the next best thing: remixed the map of downtown.

    The only constraints I followed were dropping the directional part of the street names (the NW in NW Franklin) and spelling out the type of roadway (“Avenue” vs. “Ave”).

    Enjoy! Oh, and the Internet Anagram Server came in amazingly handy for this.

    Map of Downtown Bend, remixed with anagrams
    Click to view full map

  • The 10 best sci-fi films that never existed

    I just had to point to this: The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed. You gotta love it when he opens the Star Wars section with:

    Everyone remembers the exact moment when they realized that their Phanom Menace sandwich was filled with shit. For me, it was the scene on Tatooine where Qui-Gon is talking and Jar Jar is snatching fruit from the bowl with his tongue, eating like an insect. Annoyed, Qui-Gon reaches out and snatches his tongue out of the air and holds it in his fist while he talks. That was when I realized I was watching a cartoon.

    Good stuff. Via… I actually don’t remember where I first saw this. Oh well.

  • Population 70,238

    That’s the current population of Bend, Oregon. It’s up, what, 40% from the year 2000 census population of 52,029. My question is, have that many people moved into the city (18,209 of them) in that time, or have the powers that be mostly been creative with the city limits (which is what got us to the 50,000 milestone in the first place)?

  • Whirlwind weekend

    It feels like a Sunday, not like we had a three-day weekend, that’s how busy everything’s been.

    Saturday we were up and out the door by 7:30am on our way to McMinnville. We had a first birthday party to attend: close friends of ours who had asked us to be their son’s guardians (should the need arise), so off we went. We made good time over the pass, despite the bitter cold and snow warnings here in Bend—in reality we had sunny blue skies and nearly spotless roads.

    Some sidenotes. McMinnville is pretty much right in the heart of Oregon wine country; we saw many signs for wineries on the way there and the way back, including the Eola Hills Winery, though we really didn’t have the time to stop at any. McMinnville itself is a town of just over 30,000, about half the size of Bend, and has a cute little historic downtown. Also, the locals refer to it as “Mack.”

    Anyway, the party was fun, we hung out and visited with our friends that evening, and had lunch with them the next day before heading for home. Over the pass this time we had to nearly stop for an accident at Lost Lake, but we missed this one by about half an hour. Traffic was backed up for three hours at that one.

    Those made for some long days. To top that off, my in-laws have been in town, and have been entertained as well. So things have just been busy. And tiring.

    Could I have another day off? To catch up? Anyone?

  • Snow drifts!

    Not only was it about six degrees this morning in Bend, but we woke up to blowing snow and snow drifts in our backyard and cul-de-sac. Fun! You can see the ground in some spots, others are buried in drifts up to six inches deep.

    On the radio they claimed it was an Arctic front that has moved in. Stellar.

  • 10 ways Dick Cheney can kill you

    Okay, in light of all the Dick Cheney hijinks, I saw this on Boing Boing the other day and I finally succumbed. What can I say? This makes me want to laugh out loud every time I see it:

    10 ways Dick Cheney can kill you

    For the record, my favorites are “Telekinesis,” “Raining blows down upon you,” and “With his bare hands.”

  • How Lost should have ended last night

    Okay, I’m spending too much time on this, but… after reading the comments on my post last night and thinking about it more, here’s how I think they should have ended the episode:

    Sayid, while interrogating/torturing the Guy Who May or May Not be an Other, finds out something equally ambiguous and creepy from him—something that makes Sayid pause, sit back, uncertain of what to do next. Meanwhile, Jack and Locke are in the middle of their confrontation, just as it played out before, and while Locke is in his haste trying to enter the number, the timer reaches zero… and cut to black.

    That’s right, a cliffhanger ending. I’d be fine with that, I think it would much better than the cop-out hieroglyphics. It would have been a stronger ending. Keep all of Sayid’s flashback, that’s fine, just end on zero and forget the goofy speech with Charlie on the beach.

    They totally need to hire me as a writer. :)

    Jack confronts Locke

    Locke trying to enter the Numbers

    The timer reaches zero

    The Lost logo

  • This week’s thoughts on Lost

    Yeah, this is getting somewhat regular: recording some thoughts about the latest episode of Lost. I suppose some of these might be spoiler-y, though, so I’ll put it behind the clickthru. (RSS readers: well, uh, you don’t get that luxury, so watch out: there might be spoilers.)

  • The Lost Ultimate Theory

    This was an amusing read, and devilishly detailed: The Lost Ultimate Theory. I won’t guess as to the accuracy of it—quite a bit seems too science fantasy for my taste—but I will say that if the producers are ever looking for new writers for the show, they should contact this guy.