
  • My brother’s garage sale

    A promo-note to any garage salers reading: my brother and his girlfriend are having a garage sale today (Saturday the 15th). Among other things, he was planning on selling some of his older video game systems (Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo), with games, and we took a toddler mattress over there for them to sell ($45 OBO).

    They live over on Douglas Street, just off and north of Wilson. I told them to post an ad on Craigslist, but I don’t see one there…

  • Killer Kangaroo!

    Now, this story is just silly: Fanged killer kangaroo roamed Outback.

    Forget cute, cuddly marsupials. A team of Australian palaeontologists say they have found the fossilized remains of a fanged killer kangaroo and what they describe as a “demon duck of doom”.

    The species found at the dig had “well muscled-in teeth, not for grazing. These things had slicing crests that could have crunched through bone and sliced off flesh”, Hand said.

    I have this absurd image of saber-toothed kangaroos hopping around… Hey, maybe somebody will make a horror-thriller-scifi-Jurassic-Park type movie where killer kangaroos are brought back to life and terrorizing Australia! And if you can come up with a dumb enough name, Samuel L. Jackson will star in it!

  • The name game

    While I can’t say as I’ve found much use out of MySpace, my sister-in-law did post an amusing bulletin that I had to steal. I’m sure we’ve all seen variations on the name game… here’s a collection of rules for generating ten of them (along with my results).

    Your Spy Name: Middle name and current street name
    Travis Desert (only part of my street name, so it wouldn’t sound so goofy)

    Your Movie Star Name: Grandfather/grandmother on your mom’s side, your favorite candy
    Guy Snickers

    Your Rap Name: First initial of first name, first two or three letters of your last name
    J-Ab (Jab?)

    Your Gamer Tag: A favorite color, a favorite animal
    Purple Chicken

    Your Soap Opera Name: Middle name, city where you were born
    Travis St. Helens

    Your Star Wars Name: First 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother’s maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet’s name
    Abeittbob (or Abe Itt Bob as they tend to do names in Star Wars)

    Your Jedi Name: Middle name spelled backwards, your mom’s maiden name spelled backwards
    Sivart Rolyat (I made up the maiden name… no way I’m posting that online for real)

    Your Porn Star Name: First pet’s name, the street you grew up on
    Curly Deer

    Your Superhero Name: “The”, your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives
    The Purple Chevy

    Your Action Hero Name: First Name Of The Main Character In The Last Film You Watched, last Food You Just Ate
    Popeye Radish

    So, what are your names?

  • Don’t you hate that under the weather feeling?

    So I’m fighting off the advances of a summertime cold, picked up from my son. It’s that tickly sore throat, run-down feeling and if it doesn’t get nipped in the bud right away, then it’ll turn full-fledged, and we don’t want that. Hence, I’ve been dosing up on echinacea, Airborne, vitamin C, and Ricola. And tea. So far, I seem to have halted the advance, but I won’t know if the tide has turned until the morning after a (hopefully) good night’s sleep.

    Last night’s sleep was not good. At 4:20 in the AM we (as in, the entire household, kids, animals and all) were awakened to the sound of digital beeping. Loud digital beeping. After scouring the house and finding nothing out of the ordinary, my unconfirmed suspicion is that it was the new humidifier we had set up in my son’s room. After that, it was sporadic sleep interrupted by the cat pouncing on my feet every 53 seconds.

    On a totally unrelated note, why on Earth are so many MySpace pages so bloody ugly? No, I know the technical reason they are—because somebody actually thought it would be a good idea to give users that much control over their page—but holy Corona, don’t any of these people have any sense of aesthetics at all? I don’t get it.

  • How I spent…

    Yeah, it’s one of those “How I spent” posts, inspired by Shannon’s this time. Only I’ll confine mine to my super-busy holiday weekend.

    Saturday, my wife and daughter went to Sisters with my mother for the rock and gem show. They do this every year, it’s tradition. While they were gone, my son and I returned a bunch of cans and bottles to Safeway, went to the library, and stopped by the homebrew shop so I could pick up ingredients for a batch of beer and a wine kit for my wife.

    A highlight of the homebrew shop: my soon-to-be-five-year-old son asking when we could leave because he didn’t like this store… I guess not enough toys? Too creepy for kids? I got a chuckle out of it.

    When the others got back, my daughter went home with my mother to have a sleepover, and the rest of us went back to town to check out the Saturday market, get some ice cream, and then head home again. For dinner it was Cibelli’s Pizza (had to go pick it up).

    Sunday it was off to Albertson’s to return some more bottles and cans, return some movies, and run to Bi-Mart. I transplanted a bunch of plants (one of my hop plants, several tomatoes, a couple of beans). In the afternoon we went out to my parents’ place for dinner and to pick up our daughter. It was a hot enough day that I took the kids over to Reynolds Pond and we played in the water a bit.

    I took Monday off from work, and it was a big homebrew day that I had planned with my friend Paul. After going out to breakfast at McKay Cottage, we spent a good part of the day brewing, and then the afternoon and evening turned into an impromptu barbecue and party with Paul and his wife, Shannon and Brian, and Simone and her husband. The day was punctuated with the power going out all over town (only about a half hour for us, though I heard other people were out for hours), lighting off fireworks that Simone’s husband had brought over, and a friendly poker game.

    That night at 12:30 AM, someone rang our doorbell. I, however, slept through it, and only woke when my wife, er, woke me. Muzzy-headed with alcohol and sleep, all I knew was that the dog was barking in the middle of the night so I yelled at him to stop, only to find out he was actually performing a service for once… hilarity ensues. I stumbled around in the dark for a while, only wanting to go back to bed, my wife called the police to notify them of the “ding dong ditch” (a name I’m quite sure I’d never heard before then), and left the closet light on all night. I didn’t get a very good night’s sleep.

    Tuesday the Fourth found us getting up and ready to go to the Pet Parade. After the Parade (we hung out there with Shannon and Brian), we wandered the park checking out the booths and food they have every year (festival-style), and then checked out the library’s book sale. (Scored a stack of books for only $4!) In the afternoon we were back out to my parents’ place for dinner and fireworks, and then when we got back home we did a few more fireworks when it got dark, and then watched the (in)famous Pilot Butte fireworks show. We have a pretty good view of that from our lawn.

    And that, in a not-so-small nutshell, was our holiday weekend. Sometime I’d just like to relax for a day or two, you know?

  • YouTube goodness

    I’ve been exploring YouTube a bit more lately and just thought I’d point to some of the videos I’ve found that amuse me…

  • Not much

    No, I haven’t posted much on any of my sites this week. My aunt died on Monday, and I just haven’t felt like writing much. There’s really not any more to say; the funeral is on Saturday. In the meantime, I hope everyone’s having a good week, what with the first day of summer and the hot weather and all.

  • Wonka

    Okay, tell me this guy doesn’t look totally cool:

    Guy at the Bite of Bend dressed up like Willy Wonka!
    Photo thanks to Simone at Emerald Bay Photography

    This guy was with the fire dancer troup that performed Saturday night at the Bite of Bend. We decided he looked like Willy Wonka, though now I’m also thinking the Mad Hatter. Watching him, I also think he had a Johnny Depp thing going on. Anyway, I begged and pleaded with Simone for a picture of him so I could post it… how could I not? That guy rocks. Seriously.

    Top hats are cool.

  • What the hell was that?

    When I started writing this post, the video in question actually existed… but now the link they had goes to the Visitor and Convention Bureau site… hmmmmmm.

    The title of this post might as well be “How not to do viral marketing.” It concerns a new animated ad campaign, detailed in excruciating detail in this Bulletin article, launched by the Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau… I’m actually at a loss for words.

    Okay, I’m not really. Nor will I mince words: at best, this video makes me embarrassed for Bend.

    My wife sent me the link in the morning, without explanation. First of all, it took forever to load, which is not a good sign. Finally, it started, and I was immediately sorry it did; my first impulse was to turn it off. When I first glimpsed something that sort of resembled Pilot Butte in the background, I thought, Is this supposed to be about Bend? It couldn’t be, it doesn’t even make any sense. But lo and behold, it turned out to be about Bend after all.

    My next thought was that somebody had gone out of their way—poorly, I might add—to make fun of Bend. It’s certainly not something that would ever entice me to visit.

    Finally I saw the Bulletin article, and things started to make a perverse sense. Here’s a clip:

    The Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau has launched an edgy, animated online marketing campaign featuring a video the bureau hopes is so entertaining that viewers will e-mail it to friends, family and colleagues.

    The video is sort of like Bend meets The Simpsons.

    Locals will recognize scenes in the lighthearted production and presumably chuckle at the characters and lyrics.

    “The video is funny and entertaining,” Glover said. “But, there’s also a message that shows what we have here – the river, rafting, skiing, etc. We hope that people will be entertained, then watch it again or pass it along via e-mail.”

    Ultimately, the video’s goal is to interest more people in visiting Bend.

    According to Glover, the video is the first of its kind to market a destination such as Bend through an emerging form of advertising known as viral marketing.

    Glover already considers the campaign a winner, thanks to a marketing coup that will allow, a video downloading site popular among iPod owners, to send links to the video with endorsements to more than 1.25 million of its subscribers.

    “Just through that, the campaign is a success,” Glover said.

    Are you kidding me?

    There’s nothing “edgy” or Simpsons-like anywhere in that video. In fact, it’s some seriously shoddy art and animation work happening there. (I know—well, I hope—the people behind it can do better.) And being a local, trust me when I say there’s no chuckling going on, and the “recognizable” scenes are barely even that.

    Here’s a hint about viral marketing: it tends to work best when it’s not directed. Don’t hold it out there and proclaim it a success; either it’ll happen on its own or it won’t. You have no real control over the matter.

    And they think hooking up with Friendster is a marketing coup? Really? Friendster is on the wane in a big way. They would have been far better off leveraging MySpace (with 86 million users) and YouTube. Then you’d see some real numbers.

    Oh and by the way, pick a better domain name next time… “” just lacks that, how would you say, convenience and ease of use in passing around a link.

    I will concede that this video is viral in an avian flu sense—it’s spreading around the local blogosphere and everybody I’ve shown it to hates it. But that’s not the kind of viral you’d hope for.

    Postscript: And it’s gone… I wonder if that was intentional, or there was too much backlash?

    Post-postscript: Yes, you’ll notice I didn’t actually link to the video directly… I debated it. But since it appears to be gone anyway, oh well.

  • An angry bunch

    Go and check out today’s Pearls Before Swine comic strip. It’s the good stuff.

    Pearls Before Swine for 6/16/06