Fantastic Four

Okay, I admit that since I saw the trailer for it at the beginning of Star Wars, I want to see the “Fantastic Four” movie. Even though, as my brother seems to think, it will likely turn out to be desperately bad. But with today’s CGI and effects technology, even the desperately bad can look… Continue reading Fantastic Four

Revenge of the Sith

I went and saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith yesterday, and… wow. It was by far the best of the three prequel films, and the first one of the three that actually felt, I don’t know, epic in the sense that it’s carrying the weight of Star Wars history that fleshed out the first… Continue reading Revenge of the Sith

Our local Jedi

It was inevitable, I guess: Bend has its local Star Wars superfans who dressed up in costumes and lined up outside the theater for the premier of “Revenge of the Sith” last night. I know this not because I was there, but because Z21‘s Christian Boris (one of the weather guys) did a live broadcast… Continue reading Our local Jedi

The messed up world of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

So, re-watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with the kids this last week, made me realize just how long it had been since I’d last seen this special: not long enough. It’s been 40 years since it came out, and this might be blasphemy to say, but it really hasn’t aged well. The animation is terrible!… Continue reading The messed up world of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Categorized as Movies, TV Tagged

The Incredibles

Simply put, “The Incredibles” is a great movie. Fantastic. Probably the best movie I’ve seen this year—really! So here’s my review, there may be spoilers, you’ve been warned.


I just got caught up in watching the last hour and a half of Silverado on TV, what a great movie. One of the first westerns I remember seeing that actually felt like what is must have been like in that era. Plus, it’s just a fun movie. With an all-star cast that holds up,… Continue reading Silverado

Spider-Man 2

Saw Spider-Man 2 on Friday night. Very good. Better in many ways than the first one, and the first one was very good, too. Herewith some additional thoughts, but they might be spoilerish, so only read on if you’ve seen the movie (or are willing to risk it).

Matrix Cheat Codes

At work today a couple of us were jokingly speculating as to what earlier versions of The Matrix would be like—or, more accurately, what we would imagine they’d be like—and I came up with Half-Life. Basically, imagine the Matrix v1 as a first-person shooter. Makes perfect sense! All they essentially do in the Matrix is… Continue reading Matrix Cheat Codes