Category: Imagery

  • Gruesome

    Halloween blogging #5

    Here we go, courtesy of Simone, a picture of me dressed up as a vampire for the Halloween party Saturday night. If only I could look so good in real life!

    Jon dressed as a vampire

  • Emoticon pumpkins

    Halloween blogging #4

    Pumpkin carved with an emoticon faceBeing a computer geek, I wish I’d thought of this when carving pumpkins this year: carving an emoticon face instead of a traditional jack o’lantern. That’s just cool. The only question would be, which emoticon?

    The “mean” face, befitting the holiday: >:-(. Or, perhaps, the squiggly face: :-S. Or, just the good old standard: :).

    Something to remember for next year…

  • Monsters in classic works of art

    Halloween blogging #2

    Scream mashup: the movie and the Munch paintingShamelessly lifted this link from Boing Boing, but it was too cool not to: Worth1000’s monsters/classic artwork photoshopping mashup contest. I’ve done some basic graphics munging here, producing such altered classics as Bayer Heroin, Jedi Master Kermit and the Nebraska State Quarter, but my image manipulation powers pale in comparison to what these guys have pulled off. There’s some serious image kung fu here. It’s brilliant and topical! They’re all really good, but I particularly like the “Scream” painting (which I excerpted) and “The Ring” riff.

  • The King has a posse

    Okay, this is getting crazy: my Burger King mask post is up to 236 comments, and there’s currently active discussion on where to find a Burger King mask online, and a guy named “John” is even making his own masks and selling them on eBay! In fact, I grabbed a couple of his pictures of the homemade mask:

    Homemade Burger King mask
    The weird and creepy…

    Homemade Burger King mask being modeled
    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder!

    And I’ll throw a link to John’s auctions on eBay—better get a mask while the getting’s good…

    With all this going on, I figured it was high time The King got himself a posse:

    The King has a posse

  • Hard drinkin’

    Heard about this on the radio this morning, and I wanted to blog it before I forgot about it. On the front page of the Bulletin today there’s a picture of three people floating the river (a popular summer activity here in Bend)—which by itself is no big deal. However, the focus of the article that accompanies it is on the excessive alcohol consumption that goes along with the river floaters.

    Back to that picture. Three people floating the river with booze in hand. Here’s the picture:

    People floating the Deschutes River with drinks in hand
    Photo courtesy of The Bulletin

    I’m not against drinking, rafting, drinking while rafting necessarily, but damn! That’s some hard drinkin’ in the picture. The guy on the left is drinking some kind of hard liquor, the middle guy a beer, and there’s at least two more bottles visible with them. The girl has a Jagermeister. I like Jager and all, but that’s way too hardcore for me.

    Besides, everyone knows the proper way to drink Jager is chilled, ideally right out of the freezer ;).

  • Goofy Burger King job flyer

    Last weekend as a treat we picked up Burger King for lunch. To go. When we got home, inside the bag we found this incredibly poorly done “help wanted” flyer. It’s so bad it’s funny! So of course, I had to scan it in and post it here. Enjoy!

    Poorly done Burger King help wanted flyer (click to see larger version)
    (Click to see larger version)

  • Our local Jedi

    It was inevitable, I guess: Bend has its local Star Wars superfans who dressed up in costumes and lined up outside the theater for the premier of “Revenge of the Sith” last night. I know this not because I was there, but because Z21‘s Christian Boris (one of the weather guys) did a live broadcast from the theater to cover the event. However, Christian did more than just cover the event…

    He was dressed up as Darth Vader.

    Thus began the funniest, most surreal Z21 broadcast I’ve seen in a long time, maybe ever. And it was such a short clip! First there was the shock and awe of the Darth Vader costume… on the guy reporting the news… whose helmet looked too small… I honestly couldn’t tell if he was dressed up because he was doing a piece for the news, or if he’s really into Star Wars. Either way, it was gutsy, but just seemed so, so wrong.

    And, when you think it really couldn’t get any better—aside from just showing some of the various costumes people put together for the big night—Christian wisely decided not to interview any particular people and opted instead to just let the camera do the talking.

    To my utter amazement, these two guys dressed up as Jedi start lightsaber dueling in the parking lot. I mean, full-on theatrics, and the taller guy with the more elaborate costume was really, really into it—leaping in the air, spinning around, the works. It was a bonafide jaw-dropping moment… followed by laughing uncontrollably and utter disbelief.

    Back in the studio, both Nina Mehlhaf and Jason Carr were laughing, too… I got the sense that Nina was this close from losing it and descending into maniacal laughter, but she reigned it in in time.

    You know what’s even better? When the moment was selected for the Bulletin‘s photo of the day:

    Christopher Deattrod, dressed as a Star Wars character he made up (Jedi Knight Rod-Wan Deattrod), defends himself with a model lightsaber on Wednesday afternoon while waiting for the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
    Photo courtesy of The Bulletin

  • Stranded on a desert isle…

    I guess this post spins out of watching the TV show “Lost” and a post by Isaac Laquedem a while back. The question is, what three books would you take with you if you were stranded on a desert isle? (Isaac’s post considers five books; do that if you can’t keep yourself to three.)

    My tentative picks would be:

    Of course, if I were practical, I’d choose an all-purpose survival guide, a book on identifying plants (edible and poisonous), that sort of thing.

    Or, better yet, go with this book:

    Stranded on a Desert Isle for Dummies

  • The Burger King creeps me out

    Creepy plastic Burger King maskThis topic on ORblogs prompted this post. What the hell is up with that creepy Burger King mask? All I know is, if I see that thing anywhere near my house, burger or no burger, I’m going for a gun.

  • New

    I’ve noticed over the past few days that finally has that new design Barney was talking about back around the end of the year. Overall, I think it looks 1000% better than before, albeit not quite perfect (the RSS feed appears to be broken, no user comments at the bottom of the articles…).

    However. Since Barney left, I think they are in serious need of an editor; I did a screen grab of the Press Release headlines, because something went horribly awry:

    Innapropriate press release headline found on

    There is just so much wrong with that headline, it’s not even funny.

    Well, it’s a little funny. :)