3 newish Bend restaurants

Two weekends ago, the in-laws were in town from Chicago, and as always happens, we went out to dinner (and lunch) every day they were here. Ordinarily this wouldn’t be much to write about, but while they were here ate out at three of the newer restaurants here in Bend: Zydeco, Mercury Diner and Anthony’s… Continue reading 3 newish Bend restaurants

Free beef!

Well, it’s that time of year again: In one of the strangest (yet surprisingly most effective) promotions ever to grace marketing, it’s Free Beef Month at Les Schwab!

Categorized as Food

Iron Chef America

I’m really digging Food Network‘s new Iron Chef America series. It’s just a lot of fun to watch, and at a more accessible time than the original Iron Chef (9pm versus 11pm).


Okay, it’s the holidays, who doesn’t love eggnog? Of course you could buy all the eggnog you want from the store, but that’s boring. Searching through the cookbooks we have, I found no fewer than three different eggnog recipes. The one that appeals to me the most is a combination of an egg custard and… Continue reading Eggnog

December 1st

December is upon us already. Bust out your advent calendars (we did), hang your wreaths (we did), Christmas is a mere 24 days away. Was Thanksgiving really less than a week ago? Jeez, having this cold must be screwing with my sense of time. I made my traditional fruitcakes over the weekend. Really! I (loosely)… Continue reading December 1st

The Jones Soda Holiday Pack

When I was reviewing the server logs, I kept wondering why there were occasional searches for “green bean casserole soda” leading here, which seemed totally random. I figured it out today; it’s part of the new Jones Soda Holiday Pack, which is related to the Turkey Soda post I made last year around this time.… Continue reading The Jones Soda Holiday Pack

Categorized as Food Tagged

Cooking for engineers

I discovered this site via Slashdot the other day, and given my current fixation on cooking geekery via Alton Brown, I find it pretty cool: Cooking For Engineers. I especially like the nifty recipe tables… very creative use of HTML tables. In other odd-yet-apropos geek cooking news, Meg Hourihan, the co-founder of Blogger, is giving… Continue reading Cooking for engineers

Categorized as Food Tagged

Recipe: Cream Cheese Pie

This recipe is one we found years ago—it actually comes from Cool Whip, and is really quite good (and quite decadent). It originally came from the back of the lid label on a Cool Whip container. I’m posting it here because we had a hard time finding it the other day, and I couldn’t find… Continue reading Recipe: Cream Cheese Pie

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