The past 6 Aprils

Since I’m celebrating six years of blogging this month, I thought it’d be interesting to go back through the past six Aprils and link to some highlights.

April 2002 – Really not much to see here… I was just starting blogging, playing with the software I was developing, and it’s really just mundane stuff. I think Pong was a highlight.

April 2003 – Even less than in 2002. We saw Bon Jovi for the first time and there was more work on the software.

April 2004 – I was blogging up a storm. Pretty geeky stuff, an equal mixture of technical posts and non-technical-but-still-geeky posts and some random things. My musings for an A-Team movie first appeared, and—strangely enough—I first noted the use of the word "blog" on Law & Order.

April 2005 – I feel like I was hitting my stride in blogging style. A lot less of the technical posts and more… I don’t know, "general" posts? Fun posts? More of a mix of links, ideas, commentary, irony… Not sure if that’s the best way to describe them, but here’s a sample to judge for yourself:

April 2006 – More of the same. I really think it was around 2005 and into 2006 that I found my "voice" and I don’t really cringe when I read those and later posts. You can see the seeds of Hack Bend being sown with this post (and I started Hack Bend the following month, in May ’06), and this post and this post still make me laugh. A lot.

April 2007 – I blogged a lot less—no kidding, right—but I prefer to think of it as "quality over quantity" in this case. My favorite for that month has to be this post, showcasing just how wonderfully twisted San Diego-area activities can be.



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