March hangover

Not a hangover in the literal sense, but it sort of feels that way because I’m not sure where March went and I’m sitting here looking at the calendar thinking, "Where the hell did April come from?" Like it’s already starting out with that thick, muzzy-headed pounding that you have with a hangover.

Seriously, what the hell did happen to March? St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Spring Break… everything seemed off this year. I blame Easter. It was far too early. And Spring Break went by too fast.

And April… well, April. No, I don’t do April Fool’s Day; at least, not online. (Not really in real life, either.) I can’t stand April Fool’s Day online; I find it’s just an enormous waste of time. Look, it’s been done; I get it, ha ha, now move along, there’s plenty of other oddball and cool stuff to see online that’s for real.

See? I told you, March hangover: I’m coming across cranky as hell, fumbling for a brick of aspirin while gulping down coffee and squinting against the inordinately bright light.

Okay, I’m being too clever even for myself. More later with some real content.