
The news on KTVZ tonight about the former Rajneesh land being sold caught my ear and got me reflecting a bit on that particular period of weirdness in Central Oregon history. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a “dark day” in Oregon history like the interviewee on the news did, but it… Continue reading Rajneesh


(Pure geek post.) This is sick (not in the gross sense): 6502 compatible compiler and emulator in javascript. In JavaScript. If you don’t know what any of this means, that’s okay. I can’t hardly get my head around it either. Via JWZ.

Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

Jake first found and posted this: the Bend Bulletin has their own official, bonafide RSS feed. It’s about time! That means I can finally take down my hacked-up RSS scraper feed for them. So, this is official notice that I’m deprecating my Bulletin RSS hackfeed, by implementing a redirect to the official feed, and then… Continue reading Bend Bulletin’s RSS feed

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Disposable literature

Writer Charlie Stross has a blog post entitled Why the commercial ebook market is broken that’s a really good read and puts forth a thought I hadn’t really considered before: My take on ebooks is that they are — and should be seen as — the cheapest form of disposable literature. “Disposable literature.” I like… Continue reading Disposable literature