2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
Number of blog entries: |
155 |
244 |
306 |
Total words written (approximate): |
29,894 |
39,810 |
45,537 |
Average words per entry: |
192.9 |
163.2 |
148.8 |
Total visitors (including all the junk): |
1,041,504 |
633,100 |
242,433 |
Average visitors per day: |
2,853 |
1,734 |
687 |
Total real visitors (approximate): |
681,069 |
430,505 |
n/a |
Average real visitors per day: |
1,865 |
1,179 |
n/a |
Most active month: |
October, then May |
October |
n/a |
Ten most popular blog entries: |
- The Skittles beard commercial: 8,253
- Bill Gates’ house: 2,985
- Smoke alarm batteries: 2,922
- Jack Bauer Facts: 2,245
- Cooking salmon: 2,186
- The Lost Ultimate Theory: 2,016
- Chuck Norris facts: 1,935
- The name game: 1,778
- The Dirty Screech: 1,705
- Life is what happens when you’re making other plans: 1,390
- The Burger King creeps me out: 28,910
- Houston’s glass public toilet: 9,610
- My Burger King mask post is on fire!: 9,511
- Goofy Burger King job flyer: 5,234
- The Donald Trump/Bend urban legend: 4,879
- Leonard Nimoy’s Bilbo Baggins: 4,862
- Super Wal-Mart: 4,619
- Central Oregon’s biggest baby?: 3,821
- Leeroy Jenkins!: 3,781
- Never ending fall: 3,017
Total non-spam comments: |
599 |
1,556 |
Ten most popular searches landing here: |
- boba fett: 2,851
- darth maul: 2,243
- burger king mask: 2,158
- skittles beard commercial: 1,395
- free palm ebooks: 1,389
- matrix name generator: 1,045
- pdb reader: 993
- jedi: 890
- never ending fall: 865
- biggest baby: 851
- burger king mask: 5,295
- boba fett: 3,086
- pdb reader: 1,972
- free palm ebooks: 1,805
- darth maul: 1,534
- kermit the frog: 1,376
- leeroy jenkins: 1,221
- www.amazon.com /burgerking: 1,210
- super walmart: 973
- palm reader: 877
n/a |
Top five search engines: |
- Google: 66,133
- Yahoo: 19,000
- MSN: 4,526
- AskJeeves: 1,871
- Altavista: 510
- Google: 72,180
- Yahoo: 20,629
- MSN: 4,042
- AskJeeves: 1,259
- AOL Search: 1,061
n/a |
Approximate breakdown of browsers and traffic: |
- Internet Explorer: 61.83%
- Firefox/Mozilla: 25.06%
- Opera: 0.76%
- RSS stuff: 5.21%
- Other: 7.13%
- Internet Explorer: 61%
- Firefox/Mozilla: 23%
- Opera: 1%
- RSS stuff: 2%
- Bots/search engine crawlers: 8.2%
- Other: 4.8%
n/a |
Total number of bot hits: |
418,028 |
n/a |
n/a |
Looks like traffic’s going up! Congrats!