I forgot!

I’m pretty sure I had something cool I wanted to blog about today, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. I’m having a Moment.

In the meantime, enjoy Shannon’s latest quote of the week: “i wish i knew how to roller blade and could beat up people because i’d totally want to be a roller girl.” T-shirt fodder! Yes, I laughed.

I’m also working on a big blog entry that should be up in a day or two. It’s a beginning of something bigger that I’ve been lazy to start. Be warned!

Categorized as Blogging


  1. No, nothing like that… just keep writing your fabulous stuff and I’ll just pull what I like šŸ™‚

  2. Any hints on what this "Something bigger" is? I’ve got a lot of those kinds of projects, too (and it’s not really about laziness — really, it’s not šŸ˜‰ — it’s about lack of time for me).

  3. Just a bigger writing project, a multiple-part series I’m going to be posting. It’s part laziness, part time (or lack thereof) that I haven’t gotten around to it yet… šŸ™‚

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