The 10 best sci-fi films that never existed

I just had to point to this: The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed. You gotta love it when he opens the Star Wars section with:

Everyone remembers the exact moment when they realized that their Phanom Menace sandwich was filled with shit. For me, it was the scene on Tatooine where Qui-Gon is talking and Jar Jar is snatching fruit from the bowl with his tongue, eating like an insect. Annoyed, Qui-Gon reaches out and snatches his tongue out of the air and holds it in his fist while he talks. That was when I realized I was watching a cartoon.

Good stuff. Via… I actually don’t remember where I first saw this. Oh well.


4 responses to “The 10 best sci-fi films that never existed”

  1. mrs h Avatar
    mrs h


    Imagine that!

  2. Jon Avatar

    This is news? 😉

  3. LJ Avatar

    nope not news – in fact way old news so old can’t even be classified as ‘news’

    (I’m back 🙂 )

  4. Jon Avatar

    Long time no "see"! 🙂